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Insta Fame or Insta Fake? Her Campus tries the Perfect365 App

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

Scrolling through my Instagram feed in obligatory coursework procrastination mode, I, like Im sure many others have done before me, seethe with envy at the never ending stream of beautiful people that flash by. White teeth, clear skin, gorgeous tans and gym bods jump out of the screen, while Im nursing an exam season breakout and a biscuit inspired food baby to match. ‘How?!we lament in our unwashed pyjama clad state, ‘How is that even possible?

Well look no further than your smartphones ladies. It would seem that the secret to Instagram perfection, isnt really good genes, not even great filters, but the one tap makeover app Perfect365. Described as a digital makeover and styling app, this free photo editing software is designed to locate the key points of your face and then allow you make your selfies flawless. Skin softening, blemish removing, teeth whitening and much more is offered at the swipe of a screen and apparently even selfie queen Kim Kardashian uses this app to edit her own snaps. Unsure but intrigued I downloaded the app onto my phone to give it a try for myself.

I have no make-up on, a spot on my chin and bags under my eyes – all in all not a good photo day. But after some poking around removing blemishes and eye bags, brightening and softening skin, whacking on some digital makeup and other tweaks, a rather more polished stranger emerges from the initial photo. Although there were some horrific makeup effects on the app that resulted in my face looking more clownish than Insta-famous, the overall result, I have to grudgingly admit is quite good.

At first this seems like the answer to all hang-ups and photo insecurities. After all who doesnt wish they looked perfect? However after uneasily contemplating my oddly smooth flat complexion and the many others like it on Facebook, Instagram and in magazines, its blindingly obvious that none of it is real. The standard of beauty, especially for women, set by air brushing and photoshop isnt just difficult to achieve, it is completely unattainable. We all know this, yet we still continue to strive towards this fake ideal by using apps like Perfect365. Some features of the app I found especially questionable, such as the ability to edit the shape of the face, slim the nose and widen the eyes. It is clear that the app has a very specific version of what ‘beauty’ is and clearly anyone with a wider nose just isnt making the cut.

 While it is always tempting to use apps like this on selfies, ultimately I think I will be removing the Perfect365 app from my phone. And after all as Channing Tatum so kindly reminds us – YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.

Edited by Mackenzie Orrock



Harriet Dunlea is Campus Correspondent and Co-Editor in Chief of Her Campus Nottingham. She is a final year English student at the University of Nottingham. Her passion for student journalism derives from her too-nosey-for-her-own-good nature.