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How to Minimise Procrastination Over the Holidays

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

The Christmas holidays have finally arrived and I’m absolutely ecstatic (to say the least). The temptation to spend all day watching Christmas movies, catching up with family and friends (as well the ridiculous amount of hours of lost sleep from the previous semester) is oh so temping. But, it’s important to keep in mind those dreaded January exams which need to be sat and the dreaded deadlines that finally need to be met (or both for some unlucky lot). To help you find that balance, I’ve put together a few ideas on how you can minimise procrastination and increase productivity…

1. Keep your goals in mind

Write down your goals and put them somewhere where they can be viewed frequently. This will be a reminder of exactly what you’re striving towards; hopefully this will increase your level of motivation.  

2. Break down your goals into smaller, more achievable tasks

Doing this will prevent you from becoming too overwhelmed and stressed, allowing you to work more efficiently.  Meeting your long term goals will now be much more realistic.

3. It’s all about that balance

Ensure you take breaks and drink plenty of water! Although this might seem obvious, it’s surprising how many of us fail to do this (including myself). An app which I like to use is Focus Keeper. This aims to help you focus on tasks and work with time, rather than against it – I highly recommend!

4. Make plans

Making plans with family and friends will give you something to look forward to and in turn, make you more motivated to achieve your tasks within a given time scale. Waking up early is something I try to do each morning as it allows myself to get a lot more done in the day and I can enjoy my evenings a little more. 

Hopefully these ideas will help you increase your productivity levels; however, you should always remember that it is absolutely reasonable to take time out and enjoy yourself. Christmas time should be spent with family and friends, and although exams are very important, you should still remember that it’s all about that balance.

Edited by: George Driscoll



