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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

This week’s Campus Cutie is Her Campus Nottingham’s very own Bradley Deas!

Name: Bradley Deas

Hometown: The True Capital of England, Leeds, Leeds, Leeds!

Degree: English and American Studies

Year: First Year

Campus Involvement: Bit of poker, bit of football, bit of writing for this fine establishment.

Dream Job: Being an actor would be pretty nice. Pro poker player maybe?

Personal Claim to Fame: I once appeared on Waterloo Road, carrying a table with the oh-so irresistible George Sampson.

Fun Fact: I own Matthew Lewis’ (Neville Longbottom) bracelet, given to me at the opening of The Half-Blood Prince in Leeds.

Most Embarassing Uni Moment: First week of Rag Raid… is that enough information for your right there? Tried to do a Beer Bong, never done it before, didn’t realise I had to keep swallowing, mouth was filled, cheeks expanded, couldn’t hold it anymore, all over the rep’s pyjamas.

Where Can You Be Found on a Friday Night in Notts?: Gonna be a little bit shady and controversial here and say Forum for Trent’s night?


Do you know any cute guys or girls that deserve the much-coveted title of Campus Cutie? Get in touch!

Hannah Rought is a third year English student at University of Nottingham. She is successfully (?) managing her studies and being Head of Social Media for Her Campus Nottingham. Expect her to tweet #thirdyearwoes a lot this year, she doesn't want to graduate and have to become a real life grown up! 
Sheetal studied History at the University of Nottingham and was Campus Correspondent during her final year, before graduating in July 2014. She is currently jumping between jobs, whilst still writing for HC in her spare time. She may or may not be some of these things: foodie, book addict, world traveller (crazy dreamer!), lover of cheese, Australian immigrant, self-proclaimed photographer, wannabe dancer, tree hugger, lipstick ruiner, curly-haired and curious. She hopes for world peace and dreams that someday, cake will not make you fat.