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Power Pose Your Way Through Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Social psychologist and professor Amy Cuddy gave a TedTalk on the “Power Pose” and how your body language can shape who you are. We are familiar with the way we think affecting our body, but she explores the idea that our body can affect our mind too. Cuddy’s Talk is very interesting; I recommend it to anyone who’s interested in raising their confidence. Watch it here.

A power pose is when you stand in a powerful position (chest out, hands on hips, shoulders back, head high) in order to raise your self-esteem. It’s said that doing these poses for two minutes can lower stress hormones and increase dominance hormones like testosterone. So, essentially, a little posing can significantly boost your confidence.

That being said, finals week is a stressful time. You’re studying hard, writing papers, finishing projects, and looking over study guides. For some of us, these finals mean everything. The fate of your grade hangs in the balance with just a couple sheets of paper and a pen. Maybe you’re particularly stressed about a couple certain finals, and you’ve been throwing all of your frazzled, nervous energy into studying those subjects. But, even after all that frantic cramming, you’ll still probably be nervous and shaking in your boots come test time.​

What I would suggest (and what seriously helps me every time I have to take an exam–final or otherwise) is not only to power pose before the test, but also to use positive affirmations all throughout the week to keep your spirits up.

Seriously! The use of positive affirmations combined with a good power pose can easily help you out of your stressed finals funk. Saying kind things to yourself like, “You are smart,” “You are brilliant,” and “You are capable,” can make a big difference when you walk into that test. Those three are some of my favorites. Before an exam or any other potentially stressful situation, I stand in front of my mirror, look myself in the eyes, and tell myself that I am intelligent and strong, and that any obstacle in the way of my dreams will get kicked in the butt.​

When you talk to yourself like that, you’ll boost confidence tremendously, which everyone needs right before a particularly daunting exam. Maybe even write some positive affirmations on Post-It Notes and leave them around your room, or stuck in the pages of your books. That way your roommate will see them too, and she can benefit from some positivity as well!

I also like to adopt the “look good, feel good” mentality and put on some lipstick before a test. I always feel better with my favorite dark purple shade on my lips. Pick a color that makes you feel powerful, brave, and in charge.

So, during this finals week, say good things to yourself, pose it up, and wear your favorite lipstick to your exam. With these tips, you’re sure to rock your finals stress free!


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Hello, people of the internet! My name is Alexis, and I'm excited to share my thoughts with the wider audience of Her Campus! I have always loved reading and writing, but I am also a girl who loves dreaming, swimming, puppies, and amateur baton twirling. If I could be any mythical creature, I would be a mermaid, hands down; my favorite type of potatoes is hash browns, and my guilty pleasure television show is Pretty Little Liars. My writing will definitely reveal more about me as the school year rolls on.