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How to Read the News

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

It is an age where clicking to the homepage or picking up the *gasp* physical copy of a newspaper leads to a story that would have been the top story of the month in previous years. But they hit us nearly every day.- with this extent of breaking news, how do you deal with the diversity of foundation-shaking information dropped on you constantly?  I mean, new article iPhone notifications could contain anything from Neo-Nazis to a new Senate bill.  Here’s a categorical breakdown of what you can do by the type of article you might see.

1. New Piece of National Legislation on the Table

Try and read to see just how good or terrible it is, see if your reps have made statements, then call your elected officials. Tell them if you agree with their position, can’t stand their stance, or tell them they need to take a stand.

2. Bob Mueller’s Investigation Did Something Cool

This one is kinda fun, combined with terrible realizations about people in power.  Hey, at least it’s out in the open now?  Mueller is on top of this stuff, so feel free to read about Russia in your free time- he’s got this on lock.

3. Some Prominent Man is Accused of Assault

It did happen, and it is terrible, but at least now people know.  From Hollywood to the US Senate, a reckoning is upon us, and consequences exist.  Even when the revelations shock and revile us, at least consequences are being felt, even by some of the most powerful people in the country.  Even though it is still a systemic issue, and many offenders go unpunished, this is something.  It might even be a paradigm shift in how we treat claims of sexual harassment and assault.

4. The President Tweeted Something Terrible

Please, unfollow him on Twitter.  But seriously, be concerned, but there is just too much here for me to follow.  It might be some casual racism, sexism, or y’know, a threat with the power of the US Government behind it.  Read and let it go, but don’t forget, because this one doesn’t seem to be going away for the next three years.

5. Look, There’s an Election!

Fun!  Where is it? Who’s running? What’s the predicted vote spread?  It’s fun to watch, always a good reminder to make sure you are registered to vote and check up on when your local election.  It can be a time for rejoicing or sorrow, but it is always a time to be grateful for democracy.

6. A Number of People were Hurt in a Location

This one I have no answer to.  All I can say is that heading to the Grotto isn’t a bad plan, and if there is any legislation in play, calling your elected representatives is a good option.


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Julia Erdlen

Notre Dame

I'm a junior living in Ryan Hall. Majoring in English and minoring in Science, Technology, and Values, and Computing and Digital Technologies. I'm from just outside of Philadelphia, and people tend to call out my accent. In the free time I barely have, I'm consuming as much superhero media and as many YA novels as pssible.