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The Best Friend Breakup: How to Know It’s Time

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

There can be an oddly therapeutic feeling in getting rid of someone in your life.

The process of going onto Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and even Snapchat and clicking that “unfollow” button can result in a feeling of pure euphoria as that pressure is lifted off your chest.  Deleting their phone number, returning all their belongings back to them, and even finding new ways to move on and adjust to life without them can be both a Godsend and a disappointment.  What if that person you just unfriended, however, was actually your best friend

Getting to that point with one of your close friend is understandably a miserable, confusing, and heart breaking journey.  Sometimes, it’s hard knowing when to walk away and when to keep fighting for the relationship.  It’s something that happens to everyone, especially in the technological world we live in, but isn’t as widely discussed.  Here are some signs that you’re ready for your best friend break up.   

They talk bad about you behind your back

A best friend is supposed to have you back no matter what.  They should be one of the cheer captains on your own personal cheerleading squad.  They should be your on-call personal therapist, and take an oath to protect your secrets like a member of a CIA squad.  When a friend talks behind another’s back, it shows a complete disregard and lack of respect for the other person.   Instead of protecting your interests and thoughts, they feel compelled to betray you and spill your secrets.  That’s a big red flag, and it’s important that you consider a BFF breakup if it continually happens, especially after you confront them about it. 

They do not support you and your goals

A friend needs to be with you through the good, the bad, and the ugly.  A friend should be with you while you celebrate your successes, but they should also help you out when you need someone.  Everyone will go through their share of rough patches in life, but a best friends needs to be there by your side every step of the life.  They should be the ones to hold your hair back as you vomit at four in the morning, after drinking too much wine.  They should be the one holding your hand after the guy you liked got back together with his ex.  An individual who cannot continuously support one unconditionally does not deserve to be your friend.  They should always answer your calls, always hold your hand, and always be your crying shoulder, and if not, it’s time to ditch them for good. 

They never put in the same amount of effort into the friendship

This goes along with the support aspect above.  If you’re always inviting them out, but they never return the favor, you should be suspicious.  They should offer to spot you just as often as you spot them.  Relationships are fifty-fifty and they will not be sustained for long if they are not considered so.  If your friend does not reciprocate this, then you should consider not being as good of friends as them. 

All of these horrible friendship traits can be indicative of a bigger friendship problem, and can even be indicative of an abusive friendship.  Friendships, though they go through their rough patches, should be more positivity than negativity.  If there’s only negative it may be time for a best friend breakup!


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