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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

I have a guy friend that’s been single for as long as I’ve known him, and none of my friends I try to set him up with are interested because he’s too short. They seem to feel bad but obviously I can’t force them to like him, but the problem is I’d do the same thing, I just can’t get past the height. What else can I do for him?

I don’t think that there is necessarily anything that you should do for him. You shouldn’t force your friends to like him, because no one wants to be in a one-sided relationship. Nor should you force yourself to like him for the same reason. Instead, support him as a friend. He is obviously a great guy if you have tried to set him up with your girlfriends, so validate how awesome he is. He does not expect you to find love for him. Be a good friend, and that is enough.

Why is it so disturbing to think of your parents having a sex life???  

It depends on the relationship that you have with your parents. If you have more of a friend to friend relationship, it will likely feel less awkward to talk about sex with your parents and therefore to think about them having a sex life. If your relationship is more of a parent-child relationship, then it will feel more awkward to be discussing sex with them. It is important to note that these relationships shift and change, so what might feel uncomfortable right now, may not be as awkward in a few years. As we grow up and grow closer to our parents as friends, it can become less uncomfortable to talk to them about sex and to accept that they do in fact have sex lives.

I really want to have sex with my boyfriend. We’ve been together for over a year and I want to share my first time with him because I love him! How can I get over the first time nerves and actually go through with it?

First of all, do not feel pressured by your friends, your boyfriend, or society as a whole, to lose your virginity. If YOU feel ready, then go for it.

I also think that it is important to have an open conversation about how you are feeling. Tell him about your concerns. Ask him about his. It is important to be totally honest. Having a conversation or multiple conversations about sex before hand will help you feel more comfortable. Do not be afraid to talk about what you expect or do not expect both before, during, and after sex. Open communication about sex between partners is not only healthy, but can make it better for both parties.


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