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14 Thank You’s Your Long-Term Partner Needs to Hear Now

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

When you’re in a long-term relationship, it is often extremely easy to forget to appreciate your significant other. Life gets busy, you become accustomed to the “little things”, or maybe you even assume that they know how grateful you are for all they do. Here’s an article with the everyday thank you’s your partner deserves to hear. 

Thank You For Making Me Laugh

You say and do the stupidest things, and a majority of the time I know it’s because you want to make me laugh. When I laugh with you, it is that deep, loud, genuine belly-laugh that makes everyone in the room stare because it is so obnoxious. Thank you for giving me that amazing feeling, even on the worst of days. You help keep me sane.

Thank You For Challenging Me

Thank you for questioning me when I say things and for not always letting me think I’m right. When you question my beliefs, actions, goals, and even sometimes my motives, I can be angry, stubborn and irrational. I do listen though, and even if I disagree with you on your point, you always help me evaluate and understand what I’m feeling.

Thank You For Expecting Me to Grow

Your support of my education means the absolute world to me. You are constantly wanting me to better myself (if that’s what I want). You push me to learn more about the world and about myself and to pursue all my passions. Most importantly, you never leave my side when I do. 

Thank You For Respecting My Past

You understand that there are people and things that happened that you can’t change. Thank you for respecting the way those things have molded my life and for never taking my response to things personally.   

Thank You For Considering Our Future

Thank you for constantly reminding me that you see me in your future. When you mention our future house, our wedding, and even growing old together, it helps calm the crazy insecurities in my head and proves that you’re loyal and in it until the end. 

Thank You For Rubbing My Feet

My toes that are crooked from being broken, my chipped nail polish, and the smell of my feet are probably not the most attractive things to be dealing with after a long, hard day. Rubbing my feet at the end of a hard day is not only a way of reaffirming that you understand the hard work that I have been putting into my passions, but is also the sweetest way to show me that you care.

Thank You For Going to Parties With Me

I know there are nights when all you’d like to do is stay in, watch sports, and relax. Thanks for showering, making yourself look nice and going out with me and my friends to a fun party that I really wanted to go to. I know that sacrificing this precious time is hard sometimes, so I really appreciate it when you do.

Thank You For Buying Me Tampons

I’m sure it’s super awkward (and sometimes horribly expensive) to go into the store and purchase my feminine products, but you never complain. You take the opportunity to be my superhero and make sure that my favorite underwear remains unscathed from the war zone in my pants. 

Thank You For Binge Watching Bad Reality Television With Me

Watching hours and hours on end of the Kardashians or Sex and the City is in no way ideal for you, but you do it anyways because you know that I get a sick joy out of watching irrelevant drama and scandal play out. You also get bonus points for when we do watch my favorite shows and you don’t try and come onto me. This definitely makes you bae.   

Thank You For Encouraging My Awful Eating Habits

Nothing is sexier than lying with you on the couch, eating obscene amounts of junk food together and watching television or Netflix for hours. Thank you for buying me that bag of chips, or letting me munch out of your ice cream bowl. You don’t expect me to eat perfectly all the time, and I appreciate the fact that you don’t judge me for how much food I can put down. 

Thank You For Pretending Not to Notice My Morning Breath

Thank you so much for kissing me good morning, even when my morning breath could kill a flock of geese. It shows that you care more about showing me your love and affection than gagging and choking on the air surrounding you. The same goes for you seeing me as beautiful first thing in the morning when my hair is a lion’s mane and my face looks uneven without makeup. You always make me feel model-gorgeous.

Thank You For Jamming Out in the Car With Me

Taylor Swift has her squad, but singing Wildest Dreams with you in the car is all I ever need to make my one-man band feel like the coolest car concert ever. 

Thank You For Giving Me Your Family

You have the most incredible family with the most beautiful values. Thank you for giving me such supportive, loving resources and cheerleaders in my life. I have learned so much from them and I have so many beautiful memories with them. I feel such powerful love and support every time we talk.

Thank you for Being My Everything

You’re my rock, my therapist, my cheerleader, my lover, my friend, my personal jester and my chef. You’re my superhero, my tutor, and the caffeine boost in my life. I love and adore you. Thank you for being you.  

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Images: provided by author