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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.

Finals week is fast approaching, and although everyone on campus can’t help but be excited for winter break festivities, we have to get through a week of tests first. Just after Thanksgiving break and with only a few classes left, it is hard to get back into the swing of things for two weeks and stay focused. Especially with all the Christmas music playing, we can’t help but think about spending time with the family and being free from school for a bit. Concentrating on classes and studying for hours on end is tough, especially now.  Getting through finals week is insanely difficult, but here are eight tips to help you stay functioning and on top of your game so you can ace your tests and go home for break feeling great!

1. Make a To-Do List

The past way to stay on task is to make yourself a to-do list every day. This way you can write down what days you will be studying what and how many hours you will designate to each class. You can also block off breaks and free time so you don’t overwhelm yourself and burn out from too much work. By making a to-do list you will know exactly what you need to do each day and start studying well in advance for your finals so you feel prepared for each one.

2. Don’t Forget to Sleep!

One of the things that college students often forget to do is sleep a healthy amount. Although studying is very important, if you forgo your sleeping schedule to get in a few extra chapters, you might be doing things wrong. The best thing to do is start studying many days in advance so you don’t wind up on three hours of sleep the day of your big final. Make sure you get in at least 7-8 hours a night of good sleep to keep yourself from getting sick and being unable to process the material properly.

3. Study a Little Every Day

It is easy to forget about your test and leave the studying off until the night before, but all this will accomplish is a stressed-out student and a grade less than you desire. The best thing to do is start studying as soon as possible. A little bit a day beats 10 hours the night before. Even thirty minutes or an hour a day will help you process the material better than trying to put in all into your brain at one time.

4. Take Breaks

No one can study endlessly for days and days, and taking a break is often the best thing to do. It is difficult for your brain to focus on material for too many hours at a time, so leaving your studying and chatting with a few friends for fifteen minutes can help you feel better. You know your own study style, but remember to give yourself credit. Studying so much is hard, and you deserve to reward yourself with a little downtime to help you relieve stress and stay calm.

5. Check Your Schedule

Studying for your finals is only half the battle, you also have to be there to take the test. It is an awful feeling to study for days on end only to miss the test or come late because you hadn’t checked the schedule and thought the test was at a different time. Make sure you check each finals time and date and location so you don’t end up missing out on a grade that you deserve because you ended up in the wrong room.

6. Don’t Panic

Although finals week seems like the most important week of the quarter, panicking about the week that is ahead of you will not help you at all. The best thing to do is properly prepare yourself for each test so you know that you are walking into the exam with as much confidence and knowledge as you possibly can. If you feel you have done poorly on a test, let it go and don’t let it interfere with your studying and performance on the other finals you will be taking.

7. Verify the Details

Before studying for your finals, make sure you have asked the professor or consulted the syllabus about what will be covered on the test. Depending on if the final is cumulative or focused on a few major topics, this will seriously alter your studying style. Knowing what will be on the test and what style the test will be presented in will help relieve stress and make sure you don’t study for anything that will be wasting your time.

8. Take Care of Yourself

 Getting enough sleep isn’t the only thing you have to do to take care of yourself and keep yourself healthy. Eating right is an important aspect of staying healthy and it is very difficult to do during finals. When you are up at all hours studying you need proper fuel to help your brain retain all the information. Eating cookies and chips will not help your body feel better or your brain work better. You have to remember to take care of yourself and put your health above all else.