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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.

I would not wish heartbreak on anyone – not even my worst enemy because the feeling and physicality are some of the worst human conditions. You will experience heartbreak so many times in your lifetime, and what I believe to be the most pertinent piece of advice is certainly that how you react to your heartbreak will ultimately propel your journey to healing.

I have recently gone through my own heartbreak and it was shattering. Granted, the individual and I were not entirely together, but the circumstances and feelings made it feel like we were an entity. I decided to break things off as a way to care for myself because the relationship brought way too much anxiety and instability in my life. The uncertainty was worse, but what followed after hurt even more. There is a sort of finality to heartbreak – like you really can’t believe that the relationship is over. How did the situation mutilate itself to this point?

While the question itself may never be answered or even understood, it is important to realize a few things about heartbreak and healing:

1. Healing takes time

An age-old piece of advice, but it certainly is something that I will continue to stick by because it is true. Time does heal all wounds. This is, of course, if you directly address the hurt and pain in a way that is productive to your journey. Over time,  you will find yourself thinking of your person less and less until suddenly, they won’t even cross your mind at all.  

2. You have a supportive group

Another important part of the healing space is certainly the group of people who are there to catch you when you are broken. I have leaned so much on my friends for emotional and mental support. One’s judgment after heartbreak is cloudy, so friends will definitely help you with making decisions that are beneficial to your health.

3. You deserve to have love

This is something that I have been reminding myself and reminding others! We are all deserving of love, care and people who will invest their time and energy to take care of us. Remind yourself of this daily and you will thrive!

4. The good parts are still with you

When you lose someone, you have to remember that the beautiful things and practices that you began with them are still within you. For example, if the person taught you about boundaries and what they are, you will always have that lesson to look upon every single day after them and that is truly beautiful.

Heartbreak is hard, but you will get through it, just as you have gotten through every single one of your struggles, issues and problems!

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