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Battling Homesickness: How to Make it to Thanksgiving Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.

With the weather getting colder (shout-out to the Bomb Cyclone) and schoolwork piling up (didn’t we just have midterms?), the two weeks until thanksgiving break are starting to feel like forever. Having been away from home for two months now, students—especially freshmen—may inevitably start longing for that home-cooked meal, clean laundry done by mom, or a full night’s sleep in their own bed. For those of you who completely feel this way, or for others just looking for something to do, here are some tips for battling temporary homesickness until turkey day.


Make a shopping list


Thanksgiving day means Black Friday sales! Get mentally prepared to get all of your holiday shopping out of the way on this infamous day of markdowns by starting to assemble a list of potential presents for all your family and friends. And hey, while you’re browsing online, you can start making a wish list for yourself!


Hit the gym

The freshman 15 is making you feel not so skinny in your skinny jeans, and you know you want to go home to that cutie from high school looking just as great as when you left. Get yourself out of the dorm and onto the treadmill (because we all know running outside right now is essentially a death wish). You’ll feel better about yourself, forget about your longing for home, and have a lot less guilt about your future turkey feast.


Focus on school

Take your mind off the November blues and put it into the books! Finals are fast approaching, and putting energy into your work now will really pay off later. Start tackling assignments one at a time, and before you know it, you’ll be leaving your backpack behind. Now that’s something to be thankful for!


Plan, plan, plan

You want to make the most of your short vacation, so start planning stuff to look forward to! Check out some good movies coming out around thanksgiving day, make plans for a girls night with your high school friends, and book appointments for mani/pedi/haircut/wax/facial/literally anything. You’ll have more to be excited about, which will diffuse your pre-vacation woes.


No parents, no problem

In your bout of homesickness, you may be forgetting that returning home means returning to live under your parents’ roof. Take advantage of these last two weeks without supervision, and go out and have fun! You’ll be glad you did when you return home and realize you can’t just leave your room to hop in a midnight uber without any questioning.