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What Does Your NEU Study Location Say About You?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

Where and how you study says much more about you than you might think. Even if you may not realize it, here’s the vibe you’re giving off:

  1. Snell Library (First and Second Floors)



Admit it, you’re not here to study. You’re here to “study” so that you feel better about your looming exams but in all honesty all you really do is prop your feet up on one of the weirdly shaped lounge-things and glance over your notes. Then, chances are you see someone you know and instead of even pretending to study, you spend your time moaning about said exam with your friend. The first two floors of Snell are not where you need to be to succeed.


2. Curry Student Center



The Curry Student Center is for two kinds of students: Study-Eaters and Group-Projects-Who-Didn’t-Book-A-Library-Room-In-Time. Why else would you choose to work in a location that smells like fried cheese? Book in one hand, Popeye’s biscuit in the other, you are primed to finish this essay in record time while also finishing like 2,000 calories. (But damn those biscuits are good). It’s commendable really, and we’ve certainly all been there. If you’re there with a group, chances are one of you forgot to book a study room, and none of you like each other enough to work in an apartment… again, we’ve all been there!


3. Snell Library (Third and Fourth Floors)



The champions. The over-achievers. The sleep-deprived. The caffeinated, slightly twitching, four-point-o’ers. We salute you. If you’re on the third or fourth floor of Snell, you’re here to get shit done and take names. With a lovely ‘don’t talk to me, don’t look at me, don’t even think about asking for my notes’ attitude, these students are ready to literally murder you if you breathe too loudly on these floors. Respect.


4. Empty Classrooms



Like… who does this? This is creepy. The classrooms underneath Snell are definitely haunted, and if you like studying here, especially if you like studying here alone… reconsider your choices, please. I guess these classrooms are also for students who have a weird obsession with using projectors to study, but whatever, do your thing…. Weirdo.


5. Argo Tea



Students who study here have their priorities straight. (Irrelevant is the fact that this is my favorite place to study…totally unbiased here). Always an open seat and a nice mix of groups and individuals, Argo Tea has great study vibes. However, people who study here also tend to bring their own food and heat it up in the microwave there, which is a definite downside because then all you can think about is how good that leftover chinese food smells. Overall, Argo Tea students = classy, focused, and always hungry.


6. Your Own Room



Sweatpants, yoga pants… no pants? All good in your own room!! Students who study in their own room like to be as physically comfortable as possible while crying over their assignments in private. These students also definitely take Netflix breaks approximately every 40 minutes, so it really is questionable how much work gets done here. Either way, being a blanket burrito while writing a paper is good vibes all around.


7. Pavement / Other coffee shops



The people who study here are classic study-spreaders. They camp out at a table meant for 4 people and lay out all of their books, devices, pens, bags, scarves, various drinks, and whatever other garbage they can find to claim their spot as a “hardcore” student. They want to give off the appearance that they are committed, ready-to-succeed students, but let’s be honest, they’re really there for the bagels. Which frankly I can’t blame them for.


However you choose to study, go forth and kill those exams!

Northeastern Sophomore / Business Admin Major