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Struggles of Having a Long-Distance BFF

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

I was born and raised in California… but I go to school in Boston now. If we’re being honest, one of the hardest parts of going cross country is maintaining a long-distance best friend. Here are some of my struggles:

1. Scheduling FaceTime/Skype calls

“Wanna do 3pm your time? So like, 6pm my time?”


2. And when you do manage to find time for a Skype call, they usually take at least two hours.

Current record: 4 hours. I gotta know everything.


3. Hitting up your best friend in the morning… only to realize they’re still asleep

Waiting three hours for them to wake up and reply is a little depressing sometimes.


4. Missing out on their birthday

Making a long Facebook post is nice, but being there in person is nicer.


5. Constantly planning how soon you can come back to hang out

“Only 3 months, 26 days, 13 hours, 42 minutes, and 5 seconds ‘til I come back!”


6. Spending hours making a list of what you’re going to do together

“Let’s go check out that new ice cream shop, take a road trip and play tourist… or we can just stay in. Up to you.”


7. And when you finally come home, you realize you have hardly any time at all

“I have a doctor’s appointment on Monday, dentist appointment on Tuesday, and family events on Thursday and Friday… does Wednesday night after 9 work for you???”


8. When you’re finally reunited, you become clingy af.


9. It seems like time passes so quickly when you hang out.


10. But when it’s time to leave, it’s soooooo melodramatic

Often involves long hugs and sometimes tears


11. Hitting a wave of depression when you realize you won’t see them for another few months


12. But just because you’re not with them 24/7, doesn’t mean you don’t know every single moment in their life…


13. …including their complicated love life…


14. …and that one extra stressful class that’s giving them trouble.


15. But no matter how far they are, they’re there for you without fail, and that’s what makes them your best friend. <3