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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

Yes, I know we all have those long and stressful days where we are starving or craving snacks that are unhealthy because it is the quickest thing we can get our hands on, or we are just too lazy to get an apple. Well there are ways to make the right and healthy choices when it comes to snacking. Here are some ideas:

1. Plain Yogurt (low fat) with fruits and granola crunches.

This is a sweet snack, but low fat and nutritious for your health.https://www.gymaholic.co/articles/8-healthy-snacks-to-achieve-fitness-goals

2. Banana Peanut Butter Sandwich

A healthy sandwich with the use of whole wheat bread, which contains good sources of fiber and vitamins, and peanut butter and bananas to provide protein and potassium.


3. Avocado Rice Cake

This is a brown rice cake with avocado on top in addition to your choice of seasoning to add flavor. With the avocado you can feel full for a while.


4. Banana Smoothie

This snack is very easy. Blend a banana, lowfat vanilla yogurt, and ice cubes. (size depends on how much you are willing to make).


5. Almonds

Heart-healthy almonds are great just for eating on their own.https://authoritynutrition.com/9-proven-benefits-of-almonds/

6. Pita Chips and Salsa

These are really great choices for snacking during the day because they are tasty and filling,and you don’t have to worry about your health.
