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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

Last Tuesday, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton faced off for the final debate of the 2016 Election and America let out a deep breath when it was over. The debate didn’t disappoint.

First, let’s talk about how Hillary Clinton flawlessly defended Planned Parenthood and every woman’s right to choose and how the government shouldn’t interfere with that. She delivered one of the most empowering speeches I’ve ever heard saying that a woman’s decision about her health is her own, and the government has no place to interfere with that. I’m pretty sure every woman, young or old, was screaming yes at the TV while she was talking.


What about how Hillary talked about all of the experience she has from the past 30 years of her life, while Trump was, well, on a reality TV show? She’s basically done everything except be President. And Trump calls that “bad experience.”



Now, was it just me or did Trump seem relatively calm throughout the first half of the debate? He allowed Hillary to take her turn speaking and everything!! But then he played his classic game: interrupting her whenever he felt like it, yelling “WRONG!!” into the microphone and claiming it was his turn to speak.  Those things lead to the real question of this election: How does Hillary put up with that?! Even the moderator, Chris Wallace, couldn’t take either of the candidates talking over each other. If you listened carefully, you could even hear him laughing into his mic at one point!!


However, all of America seems to agree that the most defining moment came at the very end, when Trump refused to accept the outcome of this election. Doing so is the one part of the election that has not changed over America’s history and Trump just can’t do it? That’s scary.


Honestly though, we all deserve to give ourselves a high five for lasting through all three of those debates.

I wonder what it’ll be like during the 2020 Election…