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4 Ways to Give Back This Holiday Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at New Paltz chapter.

This time of year is always a stressful one. Planning holidays with relatives, dealing with finals and end of the semester happenings. Through it all though, this is still the season of giving and I believe we should take our month off and give back to our communities at home. This list is very general so that you can look for these things anywhere near where you live.


1) Give food to a food pantry

    Food pantries are often low on things during the holiday season. If you spend just a few extra dollars at the grocery store you can make all the difference in someone else’s life.

2) Volunteer at a soup kitchen/food pantry

    With it being the holiday season and it growing colder and colder by the day people are rushing to food pantries and soup kitchens. That being said, these places often don’t have enough volunteers to help them on a regular day, let alone during the holidays. Consider finding a soup kitchen or food pantry near your home to get involved with for a few days a week.

3) Adopt a family

    Every nonprofit that benefits families does some sort of adopt a family program for the holidays. You don’t need to spend a crazy amount of money on the gifts for the family and you can always ask for donations towards it from loved ones. Adopting a family lets you know that on Christmas morning those kids will have smiles on their faces. Look for a nonprofit near you that is asking for people to participate in an adopt a family program for the holiday season!

4) Donate toiletries to your local food pantry/non profit

    Often times people forget that people who can’t afford food probably can’t afford toiletries either. Consider going to the store and buying things like; shampoo, maxi pads, tampons, and diapers to give to a local non profit who will get them to who needs them most.

The holiday season is a fun and joyous time but, the true spirit of the season is in the giving to others that we should be participating in year round. Let me know if you end up trying any of these out in the comments below!!

A sociology major with a love for all things Disney. Kayleigh Monahan is an avid reader and writer and can often be found at her local Starbucks. She is the current President of Kappa Delta Phi National Affiliated Sorority at New Paltz as well as the Campus Correspondent for HC SUNY New Paltz.