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Overcoming Anxiety & Depression: 3 Things I Learned As A Freshman

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Muhlenberg chapter.

It’s incredibly important to eliminate the stigmas surrounding mental illnesses. These stigmas can often deter people who are afflicted by mental illnesses from reaching out for help or support. Going to college is generally a big change and transition, and can often be especially daunting for individuals who suffer from anxiety and/or depression. Here are 3 things I learned about anxiety and depression my freshman year.

1. Validate Yourself

It is always nice to feel that your emotions and feelings are valid, especially if you are suffering from anxiety or depression. This validation often comes from other people, but others cannot always be relied on to do this. You may feel as though you are bothering your friends when you talk to them about how you are feeling, so try new ways to make yourself feel valid on your own. Remind yourself that you are allowed to feel that way and do not rely solely on your friends and others.

2. Spend Time With Friends

In life, it is good to have downtime and spend time by yourself, but it is important to not spend too much time alone or isolating yourself, particularly if you have anxiety or depression. Spending time with friends allows you to take a break and have some fun.

3. Make Time For Yourself

Like I said in number 2, it is good to have downtime and spend time by yourself. This allows you to relax and think about whatever you want. 

Good luck with your finals, and remember:

Lover of astrology, Taylor Swift, and a good cup of iced coffee. Mental health advocate with a passion for self-care and creating your own happiness. "No matter how dark it gets, the sun's gonna rise again."