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You Broke Me, But I’m Not Broken

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.


Dear You,


You broke me, but don’t get confused – I am not broken.


You may not be in my life anymore, but not a day goes by without You overwhelming an hour or two of my thoughts. I thought that after so many years, this whole situation would smooth itself over. Spoiler alert: it hasn’t.


The ebb and flow of our relationship breaking is hard to put an exact start date on it, but what I do know is that my time with You has set the tone for the rest of my life.


Because of You, I find it impossible to let another into my life.

Because of You, trust does not come easily, or frequently, to me.

Because of You, I was broken.


Moving on from You was the hardest obstacle to overcome, but each day, I wake up and look in the mirror at a person I didn’t know was inside of me. I have evolved into a woman I am proud to be, and I continue to do so with every step away from You I take.


The end of our relationship has taught me so many things about myself, but endless things about the person that You are – the person who I failed to see.


You are scared.

You are incapable of letting go.

You are broken.


Losing You has given me the strong momentum that I owe my success to. In a sense, I am grateful for the pain that You inflicted upon me. Without it, I would’ve continued to be a lost and scared little girl.


A void in my heart will remain vast until the end of my time, but do not let that convince you that I will crumble without Your support. I have risen above You.


With love, forever,

Never Broken

Feminist | Editor | Lesbian