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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

1.    Start adding more color to your beauty routine and wardrobe.

2.    Plan ahead! Summer is nearly here… how are you planning to spend it? Interning? Working? Taking classes? Vacationing? Start planning now… it’s NEVER too early.

3.    Freshen up your space: they don’t call it “spring cleaning” for no reason!

4.    Get active… bikini season will be here before you know it!

5.    Eat healthier… with fresh produce back in-season, it’s easy!

6.    Change up your beauty routine: self-tanners, intense moisturizers and chapstick are no longer necessities.

7.    Summer concerts: most concert dates and summer festivals are already posted so book now!

8.    Crank up your study habits a notch… not doing too great in your classes? Now is the time to boost those grades before they’re set-in-stone.

9.    If you’re a senior, now is the time to check off all of those things on your “must do before I graduate” list!

10.  Go through all your stuff… what don’t you use or wear anymore? Donate or sell what you don’t want; you can always use what you make to get yourself something new!

Feminist | Editor | Lesbian