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Thoughts Every Introvert Has At College Parties

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.
So, if you’re a hardcore introvert, you’d definitely rather spend your Friday night alone with Netflix and takeout than going out and getting wasted. But for some reason, you always end up going out anyway. Whether it’s because of peer pressure, wanting to see friends you never see otherwise, or the possibility of meeting a cute guy, you’ve found your socially awkward self at a rager, yet again. Here are the thoughts that run through all our heads….
1. I’m going to look so hot tonight…but maybe I should stay covered up to attract less attention. 
2. Why do people keep telling me I should smile more? Shut up, it hurts my face!
3. Sure, I’ll take that drink. Anything to make me less awkward…
4. Never mind, I’m still awkward. Time to adjust my outfit for the 500th time.
5. I can dance way better when no one is watching.
6. Why is everyone trying to get me to drink more? Trust me, it won’t make me act any different. 
7. I could be getting so much homework done right now…
8. Great, I just used up the three funny stories I had prepared. 
9. I hate small talk. Just tell me about your last heartbreak or how you’re scared for the future. Tell me your hopes, dreams, and fears. I really don’t care about what frat you’re in and you really don’t care about what I did during my internship.
10. Maybe if I made out with this guy, that’ll give me something to talk about later!
11. Oh never mind, this guy’s a horrible kisser. Or, maybe I’m just too sober for this.
12. No, I don’t want to exchange numbers and go on an awkward coffee date, nor do I want to go home with you. We sucked face at a party, and I’m perfectly content with just leaving it at that. 
13. That’s it, tomorrow I’m gonna stay home watching Breaking Bad and eating pizza in bed.
14. Please, let it be my turn for beer pong so I have something to do besides awkwardly standing here. 
15. I wonder if I can find the host of this party and get the Wifi password…
16. I wish I could submit internship applications with my phone.
17. Yes, I realize I’m quieter than usual at parties. You would be too if you had the world’s softest voice and had to repeat yourself 1,000 times to be heard over the blaring music. 
18. There are no cute guys here. What a waste of time and booze. 
19. Oh wait, that guy’s pretty cute. I think I’ll just go plant myself near him and hope he notices me.
20. He didn’t notice me. I might have to actually speak here. Oh God.
21. Oh wait, his dorky friend is coming over to talk to me. No, go away! Why do I always get hit on by the guys I don’t want?!
22. No, I don’t want to dance. I don’t want to dance with anyone here besides that guy. 
23. I should probably have planned an exit strategy. Should I go with “I have another party I have to get to!” or “I have a paper due tomorrow!”?
24. Ugh, why did I come out? At least now I can post my party pics on Instagram and look like I have a life!
Hi Collegiettes!I'm Amber Taylor, Campus Correspondent at Michigan State University!I will graduate from MSU this May with a degree in journalism and a specialization in design. I am a native Chicagoan who loves shopping for anything from shoes, to midi rings to plates from Crate & Barrel. In my spare time, I enjoy live music and observing contemporary art. SO excited to get MSU more involved with HerCampus this year!Feel free to reach out to me! -HCXOAmber