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8 Things to do With Peeps (Instead of Throwing Them in the Trash)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.


It’s that time of year – colorful boxes of processed, chemically-dyed marshmallow fluff (otherwise known as Peeps) begin to fill grocery store shelves. Their oddly small, slightly terrifying, chocolate eyes tell the story of a candy controversy that is far from settled.

So, you’re one of the gals that can’t stand Peeps? Did you find yourself completely devastated when you saw the wingless birds in your Easter basket, yet again? This year, upcycle them in a cool way, instead of running to the nearest trash can.


1. Use those pretty pastels to make a wreath


2. Be the coolest cousin at the kids table by turning Peeps into Play-Doh


3. While you’re at it, impress the adults with this sunny centerpiece


4. Bake them into something unrecognizable


5. Save them for summer s’mores


6. Watch them fight in the ultimate microwave battle


7. Donate them to someone more appreciative of their “unique” flavor

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