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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.


Ladies, if you watch sports half as much as I do, you know the daily struggles we face when trying to prove our love for the game. With football season in full swing, it’s hard to ignore the all-mighty challenge of being a woman who loves sports. Here are the eight greatest struggles of being a female sports fan.


1. Finding team gear that’s not pink and sparkly

Seriously, when did people start thinking this was cute? I can’t look in the women’s section without stumbling upon something that looks like I’m ready for Saturday Night Fever rather than Saturday night football. The men’s section seems to have everything from the classic jersey to the perfect baseball tee. Head over to women’s and it looks like a bedazzler exploded. Just give me a plain T-shirt with my team’s logo, and I’m all set.


2. Getting asked ridiculously in-depth and irrelevant questions about teams

No, I don’t know the name of the coach’s brother’s cousin who threw one touchdown pass in the championship game of ’78. But yes, I do know the names of the current players, which positions they play and the terminology of the game. If I have a question, I’ll make sure to ask.


3. Being accused of being a bandwagon fan

When you’re raised with the idea that you should always support your team no matter what (don’t worry Lions’ fans, we’ll make it one day), nothing bothers you more than when someone calls you a bandwagon fan. I’ve watched this team before I could walk, so expect me to celebrate their victories and stand by their losses.


4. Seeing other girls not know anything about sports and wanting to pull your hair out

The saddest thing about all of these stereotypes is that some girls actually fit them. We all know someone who wouldn’t know the difference between an onside kick and a touchback. Girl, can you even tell me what a hat trick is? Twitter might seem interesting, but if you’d put your phone down for a moment you’d learn a whole lot more.


5. Men over-explaining things to you

Yes, my brain is big enough to handle the concept of football, baseball, hockey, etc. It makes me cringe when I hear the words “do you get it?” Do you know the things women are capable of remembering? Now imagine that memory being used for sports. If a girl says she loves the game, it’s likely she has an understanding of it.


6. Being accused of watching sports to impress boys

On the contrary, when I’m watching sports, I’m probably at my least attractive. I don’t think many boys will swoon when I begin to cuss and scream at the TV because the refs made yet another ridiculous call. It’s not about impressing someone, it’s about enjoying what we love.


7. Trying to find other girls to watch games with

If I had a dollar for every time a girl told me, “Sorry, I’m watching The Bachelor tonight instead!” I would probably be able to afford all of the textbooks I had to buy this semester. Finding girls to watch the game with is like catching a Mark Dantonio smile; so rare, so lucky. For those of you who have girlfriends to spend Sunday nights hunched in front of the TV with, I envy you.


8. Not being taken seriously

I think I speak for most female sports fans when I say that at the end of the day, we just want to be taken seriously. I may not know the super intricate details, but when it comes down to it, I love sports. To me, nothing beats a Sunday filled with family, food and football. So to all of my fellow fans out there, keep doing you. Rock your jerseys (although, I hope they’re not pink) and don’t let anyone stop you from enjoying what you love.

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