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5 Ways to Stay Safe, But Fun, When Going Out

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.


1. Stay with your friends

There is definitely safety in numbers, and you should stay surrounded by the people you trust when going out. By staying near your friends, you will feel safer, and if you need to leave, you can go at any moment.


2. Hydrate

Dancing and drinking is so fun, but dancing and drinking have something else in common as well… they both dehydrate you! Remember to stay hydrated because you don’t want to feel terrible in the morning.


3. Glow up

Glow sticks are a ton of fun – get some matching glow sticks with your friends and have a blast! They also work as a flashlight in case of emergency.


4. Be confident

Going out is all about being whoever you want to be! Don’t be afraid to wear something you would usually be scared to rock, because truth is, you will look amazing no matter what! Confidence is key, so rock that hair, lipstick, and outfit!


5. Have extra money

When going out, having a little bit of cash on you is always recommended. Having between $15-30 is an excellent emergency cash amount. Because transportation can be tricky when going out, carrying money is the easiest way to chip in.

I watch an excessive amount of Netflix and I enjoy a good nap.
Feminist | Editor | Lesbian