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Major Decisions: 5 Ways To Pick The Right Major

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.


“What do I want to do for the rest of my life?”

“Is this the right major for me?”

“Am I going to regret this decision 20 years down the line?


These are the dreaded questions every college student will face at one time or another. Choosing a major is by far one of the most overwhelming decisions we face during our collegiate careers. Worrisome parents bombard us while our own self-doubt can bring us to such a place of despair we can’t help but loathe the people who have known what they’ve wanted to do since they were eight. 


But fear not! That will change in time and while you might be in major limbo right now, you will find the major that’s a perfect fit for you! To make your life a little easier, I’ve compiled a list of tips that have helped me and some of my friends find the perfect major!


1. Investigate and Explore. Before choosing a major it’s so important that you explore your options and interests. Be adventurous when picking your classes! Maybe you’ve always wanted to act or love creative writing. Take a class! Whatever your interests are, try to incorporate them into your schedule. Your major should always be, first and foremost, something that genuinely interests you! Also, try going to a meeting of an academic club that sounds interesting or attend a seminar put on by the department of an area that has a major you’re considering. If you’re stuck as to what really interests you, look into all the concentrations your school offers! Montclair has a huge array of concentrations to choose from, so you’re bound to find something that you love!


2. Don’t Give In To Pressure. It’s easy to fall victim to pressure. Maybe you’ve been pushed into a major by your parents or are drawn to its perceived practicality and prospective monetary gain. It’s easy to see why a degree in Engineering, Law or Computer Science might be enticing when these factors are thrown in, but before you choose a major make sure it’s because you sincerely believe it’s the right decision. This is a hard decision to make but it has to be one that you make. This is the first step towards your future so make sure the decisions in your hands.


3. Talk To Graduates. If you have a major in mind, you might find it beneficial to speak to someone who obtained the same degree. An advisor is always a good person to speak with but someone out in the field with that degree can give you personal advice an advisor might not be able to. They’ll be able to answer some of your more specific questions as well as shed light onto the job market and the success they found with the degree. Plus, they might be able to provide some tips they wished someone provided them when they were in your shoes. Asking questions is always a good thing and it never hurts to have a new connection in your field!


4. Visualize Your Success. When choosing a major, it’s important that you can actually visualize yourself in that career. Sure a degree in Medicine or Music sounds great, but can you actually see yourself in this field for the rest of your life? If you can, great! If you can’t, you need to be honest with yourself. There needs to be a feeling of comfort and confidence that comes over you when you’ve chosen your major. Before declaring, research the type of jobs you can attain with that degree as well. If you can really see yourself in one of those jobs, honing your skills and being successful, you may have just picked your major!


5. Follow Your Passions. It’s the most cliché yet essential rule to follow when choosing a major: do what you love. Many people will tell you that they regret not pursuing a career they were genuinely passionate about. The more passionate you are about your work, the better you will perform and the happier you will be. You want to be taking classes that excite you and make you excited to be there at 8:30 am. Let’s face it, the point of going to college is to pursue a career that will lead to your dream job. And it’s not an easy feat to attain a degree so it’s a necessity to make sure you’re choosing something that will keep you passionate and driven. Earlier this year, comedian Jim Carrey gave the commencement speech at the Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa. He gave a beautiful speech where he spoke about his fathers struggle to find work with a degree he didn’t necessarily want but chose for its “practicality.” He finished his speech with these words of wisdom that sum up my thoughts completely: “So many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality. [But] you can fail at what you don’t want so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.”









Sarah Vazquez is a senior at Montclair State University, majoring in English and minoring in Journalism. She is the current Editor-in-Chief and a Co-Campus Correspondent at Her Campus Montclair. She is an avid concert-goer, podcast junkie, X-Files fanatic and someone who always has her nose buried deep inside a book.     
Jennifer is a Feature Writer for Her Campus Montclair and a junior at Montclair State University. Jennifer is majoring in nutrition with a concentration in dietetics with a biology minor. She absolutely loves to write and dance and enjoys expressing her creativity through writing and dancing! She recently began practicing yoga and she loves it very much. Jennifer hopes to become a Registered Dietitian and one day write for a health & fitness magazine. Health is very important to Jennifer and she wants to share her love of health and fitness with the world!