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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MMM chapter.


Letting go is a beautiful, whether it is of relationships (past or present), awkward moments, or even a bad test score. Being positive makes yourself and everyone around you happier. Think of it: if you are constantly harping about all of the bad past experiences, how will you be happy? You can’t let one bad audition, interview, or an embarrassing moment ruin what you love to do. You especially cannot let a relationship keep you from being happy.

Finding ways to cope with stress is vital to being happy. You will focus all of your attention on the performance of those activities, and you won’t have a ton of time to stay in a negative mood. Make sure they are activities that you enjoy! Enjoying the activity may seem obvious, but a lot of people tend to forget that.

Once you find those ways to enjoy yourself, you will find that your self esteem grows. As you continue to better yourself and hone in on your abilities, the opportunities are endless. I wasn’t aware of my full potential until I came to college and really started to have an open mind about who I could become as a person. One day I woke up and realized that the negative stress was not making the impact on my life that I wanted. I instantly started making changes, and some of them were just natural.

Here is my challenge to you: let go of one thing this week. It can be as small as letting go of that one bad test grade or as big as the one relationship that has been eating you alive for two years. Once you begin to let go, it doesn’t stop. It’s a difficult learning process. It’s hard to let go completely, and I even find myself hanging onto the past. But at a point you realize that it’s unhealthy to hang on, and automatically your life becomes better. Just trust yourself, and everything else will come.


I am a freshman at Marymount Manhattan College where I currently study Theatre Arts and New Media. A few of my favorite things are music, writing and tea.