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The Good And The Bad Of Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MMM chapter.

Dear Valentine’s Day,

People either love you or hate you, there really is no in between. But, how could someone dislike a day that’s full of love, compassion, and friendship? Well everyone is different and has their own opinions. I must agree that you aren’t exactly perfect. Just as the saying goes, “every rose has its thorns”.

Let me first start off with all the things that make you great! First, the day you choose to occur just so happens to be two days after my birthday. I always feel the extra love on my birthday due to everyone’s change of mindset in preparation for your big day. So, thanks for that!

But really, there are other aspects of you that most people really adore. It’s a day where people can have an excuse to eat as much chocolate as they want and not feel guilty about it (one of my favorite parts about you). Most people go out of their way to be especially nice to each other. Friends and couples give each other thoughtful cards, exchange various assortments of chocolates and heart shaped candy, and express their love for one another (whether platonically or romantically). It’s really just a day for love, and it seems like the world is at peace for the day.

On the other hand, some people have a few issues with you. I’m sure you are aware of the Anti-Valentine’s Day trend already. Some people choose to spread their disliking of your day and share it with others. However, they end up putting themselves in a bad mood and spread their negative thoughts onto others. Yet not all celebrators of Anti-Valentine’s day use it as stab to you. Many people I know use this concept to celebrate time with their friends who are not in a relationship. They just want to be surrounded by their friends that love them.

I must admit that it kind of sucks that there is so much pressure to be in a relationship on your day. Many people feel ashamed to be single on Valentine’s Day, but I find this to be totally overrated. Valentine’s Day only lasts one day. I see no need to fret over being single. I always have a great time hanging out with my closest friends anyway.

But I can’t forgive you for your overpriced and overrated candies and stuffed animals. Why not wait until the day after Valentine’s Day where you can buy everything half of? Couples end up spending way too much money on mediocre chocolate boxes, heart shaped candies, and stuffed animals that are only cute for the first few days. But, I guess it’s the thought that counts.

Valentine’s Day, you are truly a unique holiday. I see many pros and cons to you, but that is true of any other holiday. I think that we should all realize the real meaning of your day and spread all the love we can to one another. Out of 365 days, this day should be the day that we all put our grudges behind us and be compassionate to one another and show random acts of kindness. We are all anxiously awaiting your arrival Valentine’s Day.



Eleanor McKillop-Tague


I currently attend Marymount Manhattan College as a fourth-year senior where I am pursuing a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Dance with a double concentration in Choreography and Modern and a Bachelors of the Arts in Business with a concentration in Media & Arts Management. While at Marymount Manhattan College, I have choreographed new dance works for Dancers at Work and screenPLAY through the Dance Department. In my choreographic endeavors, I utilize an abstract, multidisciplinary method which reveals opportunities for further analysis, stimulates thought-provoking questions, and encourages societal change-making. I am interested in utilizing both my knowledge of Dance and Arts Management to create an interdisciplinary performance arts entity upon graduating from Marymount Manhattan College.