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The Back-From-Spring-Break Struggle

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

When your professor gives a pop quiz the week you get back from spring break.

When you’re trying to explain to your parents why you came back with a new tattoo/piercing from spring break.

When you look at your bank account after spring break.

When you get back and look through all of the pictures you took on your phone.

When you’re told it’s the last day of spring break and you have to go back to (still freezing cold) CoMo.

In the car on the way home from spring break.

When you realize you can eat carbs again because you don’t have to wear a swimsuit all week.

How you feel when you realize you have a test the week after spring break.

When you realize how much you have to do before school is out.

When you see the guy you drunkenly hooked up with on spring break walking to class.

Your drinking habits on spring break:

And trying to drink again when you get back:

Trying to stay awake in class the week after spring break.

When your friends ask you to go to the gym and you’re just like:



HC Contributer Mizzou