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An Open Letter To My Roommate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Minnesota chapter.

Dear Roomie,

I can’t express how thankful I am that you agreed to live with my crazy self. Thank you for always being there for me at the end of the day, even if it’s just to hear me talk about the cutie in writing class, the woman who cut me off at the intersection or how I have way too much homework. Thanks for listening to my countless rants about my ex, awful professors and the “freshman 15.” Without you, I’m not sure how I would get through my day.

Thank you for acting like a little kid with me. Jamming out to Hannah Montana and watching High School Musical weekly will never be the same without you. Thanks for helping me pick out my outfits everyday. (You and I both know I have to try on 10 before I leave.)

Thank you for coping with my messy habits and not getting mad when my 8 a.m. alarm wakes you up. (Also, thanks for waking me up for my 8 a.m. classes when setting five alarms still won’t get me up.)

Thank you for binge watching Netflix with me and obsessing over characters that aren’t even real. Speaking of which, thanks for listening to me say a million times, over and over, “I wish I was Blair Waldorf”, “Where’s my Nathan Scott?”, and “I want a relationship like Jim and Pam.”

Thanks for always looking out for me and encouraging me to do my best. You always remind me that I should go to class, try my best and study hard. In fact, just seeing you trying your best and succeeding motivates me to do better. Thanks for not making fun of my picky eating and for the fast food runs or cold walks to Mesa and Insomnia for pizza and cookies at 2 a.m.

Thanks for being there for me when I hit rock bottom. Every student knows there’s that point in the semester where you just can’t do it anymore. Thanks for reminding me that it’s okay to cry and to just pick myself back up and tackle life with everything I have.

Thanks for bringing so much happiness and countless laughs into my life. You can change my mood around so quickly and make me smile the second I get home.

Thanks for not judging me on my worst days. We both know my “8 a.m. lab, barely wearing a bra, glasses on, hair not brushed” look isn’t exactly my best, but thanks for never judging me.

Thank you for somehow managing to stay sane in a tiny room with someone as crazy as me. Thanks for being such a great, understanding friend, no matter how many times I’ve gotten on your nerves. I could never put into words how much I love you for putting up with me.

XO – Your Roommate