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12 Things Design Majors Are Sick of Hearing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Minnesota chapter.

Literally everything but nature (excluding landscape, shout out to landscape architecture), has been designed, whether it’s by a graphic designer, an architect, an interior designer or apparel designer. Most people don’t understand the blood, sweat and tears (I’m not exaggerating, my roommate keeps bandages in her sewing bag) that go into what you see everyday. So I called on my fellow College of Design folks to come up with 12 things design majors are sick of hearing.

“Oh so like HGTV?”

Yeah minus everything about HGTV *cue internal screaming*

“So, you’re really hoping to be engaged before you graduate I bet”

Yes, I actually was asked that by a guy after asking me what I plan on doing with my major.

“How are you gonna make money?”

By following my passion, not a paycheck, gurl.

*after showing someone a project you’ve been working on for a month*: “I wish I could color for my homework.”

“Can you really get a job doing that?” OR  “Wow you’re so brave. I’m majoring in *math or science* because I know I’ll have a job when I graduate. “

Have fun being bored the rest of your life!

“Do you really need to go to school for that?”

Nah, I just felt like dropping $80,000 and crying for four years straight.

“So you can design my house for me? but for free right?”

Yeah. But no.

“I won’t be able to pay you for your work, but it’ll look great for your portfolio!”

“Oh fun! My mom does that as a hobby.”

“You are so lucky you don’t have to buy textbooks”

Yeah, just $500 on art supplies I’ll use once.

“Color class? That sounds like so much fun!”

Don’t ask any design student about color. Trust me.

“Oh you’re in apparel design? So do you make your own clothes? Is it like project runway?”

These are just a few things us designers are tired of hearing. Just because we create beautiful masterpieces doesn’t mean we didn’t put as much work into it as you did on your big long research paper. So next time your CDES friend shows you what they have been working on, give them a hug or some coffee. We don’t sleep much and St.Paul campus doesn’t have a Starbucks.