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Linia Freeman: Fall in Love with Fashion at Heart

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Name: Linia Freeman

Age: 22

Hometown: Southwest Philadelphia, currently lives in Darby.

Birthday: March 1, 1994

Major: Business Management

Favorite Color: Yellow

Why did you choose Millersville?

It came down to three different choices. Either Millersville, Bloomsburg, or Shippensburg. Since I am the oldest child of six, I chose Millersville because it was close enough to get home but also far enough to keep mom away, haha.

What organization are you part of?

I am the President of Fashion at Heart.

How did you get involved with your organization Fashion at Heart (FAH) ?

I love fashion, my friends love fashion, and we LOVE fashion in our organization. When I first came to Millersville in January of 2013, FAH was still at temporary status. By the end of 2013, FAH was a permanent organization with funding from the school.The founder, Darlene Brookings, first got me involved. I started volunteering and helping out at our fashion shows and other events. By the time she graduated my friend, Monica Mercado, was the president and she was the one that got me on the executive board.

In spring 2016, I really did not think I was going to get elected as president but I do have a great personality. I am a go getter, and the oldest child in my family. I do a lot to motivate people and push them to their limits. I like being busy and staying involved with the organization. Sometimes I bite off more than I can chew but being president you always have to stay busy and on top of things.

What does FAH do to get students involved in their organization?

We are very involved in the promoting of events in our organization. Get Involved, a platform for students to connect with organizations, is a great way for students to get to know our organization. That is actually how most people have found us. We also hold bake sales, giveaways, and like to get other organizations involved in our events. Every year we usually do a fashion show so it’s great to know that other organizations will collaborate with us to spread the word about our organization.

Have you guys participated in any recent fashion related events?

Yes! Actually we just got back from Philly Fashion Week. We took our first trip in spring 2016 and thought that we had a great turnout so we wanted to do it again this fall. Students were very excited to go. We got second row seating and it was nice to watch the models on the runway and see what the vendors had to offer. Unfortunately we did not get to participate but that is definitely something we will keep in mind for the future.


Fun with Fashion:

Are there any trends or must have items on your list this fall?

Yes! I am very into tall boots and long socks. You can scrunch the socks down into your boots and they go great with skinny jeans or leggings! I am also really into the big oversized sweaters and cardigans. Especially the fuzzy ones! I also like oversized shirts. Personally, I love shopping in the Men’s department at H&M because you find so many must have, cheap items! I also recommend stopping by Primark in the King of Prussia mall! Their store is really big and their prices are super cheap.

Any fashion faux pas we should stay away from?

I really do not like fur, that’s just me though haha. I don’t necessarily believe in fashion faux paus or don’ts. Myself, I like to not match sometimes or even just to create an outfit using different contrasting colors. Depending on what you wear, you may be able to pull it off. Your style is whatever you like. Anything can be doable.

What colors are on your fall palette?

I am a huge fan of maroons, cream, and olive!

Who is your favorite fashion icon?

Kanye West, I love the way he dresses. He makes relatable clothing. They are pieces you can wear and I understand his vision. The prices for his clothing, though, I’m definitely not a big fan of those! Fashion is not about spending a lot of money especially for college students.

Advice for students who are striving to be trendy this fall season?

Join Fashion at Heart we will welcome you as family! Be yourself and don’t change your style for anyone. Do what makes you happy and what expresses yourself. If you want to design a line of socks, don’t let anyone steer you away from your vision. Do what you want.

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Isis Waller


My name is Isis Waller. I am currently a senior at Millersville University. My major is Speech Communications with an option in public relations and I minor in Entrepreneurship! I am currently located where the cows moo me to sleep in Lancaster, PA. Some of my favorite things are chocolate, glitter, my boyfriend, the Chanels from Scream Queens and every single American Horror Story season... EVER. I am very into Halloween. At this point I am so in into fall my blood type might as well be pumpkin spice, haha!
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