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Please don’t vote for what makes you ~feel~ good.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami chapter.

In 2000, George W. Bush won one of the most historic elections in history. It was the first time in over 100 years that the candidate who won the most electoral votes and the candidate who won the popular vote were different. How does this happen? The winning candidate wins more states with smaller populations, losing states with larger populations.

Because of our plurality system (when one candidate gets more vote than any other candidate but not enough to constitute a majority) that takes place when the Electoral College votes, our government allows no room for a third party candidate to win.

There’s a very well known rule in political science called Duverger’s Law, stating that in single member districts (a district governed by only one representative) with plurality rule, there will be two parties with two candidates. I understand young people’s desire to make a difference and protest and follow your heart and do what feels right but…please do not make today the day to do that. Make today the day you make a SMART decision that could change the next four years of American History.

Please do not write in Bernie Sanders. PLEASE DO NOT WRITE IN BERNIE SANDERS. Yes I understand he’s a very good speaker, how impressive (On top of him not being very smart or a very effective lawmaker). First off, some states with blanket primaries are not accepting a write in vote. So by writing in a Bernie Sanders, Ben Carson, Harry Potter, Perry the Platypus, idk, you could literally be wasting your vote. Second off, as unlikely as a third party win is, there is an even smaller chance for a candidate that is not on the ballot to win. I don’t know whose campaign is advocating for third party votes, but it is definitely a kickstarter by a major campaign to get millennials to waste their votes.

Please, in this election, do not vote for what makes you feel good. There are people’s lives riding on your decision. This election isn’t about you anymore. Please vote for one of the major candidates. You have a voice. Please make it heard.

President George W. Bush won the 2000 election by 537 votes IN MIAMI DADE COUNTY. Please do your civic duty tomorrow and vote. Choose wisely, follow your conscience, and I promise it will make a difference. 

The University of Miami Chapter