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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami (OH) chapter.


What do you think about when you think of yoga? Do you think about flexibility? Serenity? An old man who looks like Buddha? Well, if your anything like me, a combination of these images appeared in your mind, and it was only until I actually practiced yoga that I truly understood what it means to be a yogi.

My first experience with yoga went a little something like this: early one summer morning, my hesitant eight grade self shuffled into a small studio, yoga mat in hand, with the push of a few friends. As the class began I felt myself begin to sweat due to the steamy temperature of the room. When the teacher arrived she began by instructing us to clear our minds of everything and focus only on our breathing. She taught us to become more inwardly conscious by closing our eyes and to think of each exhale as precious. This was the first time I had ever really paid attention to something so simple.

As the class continued I was amazed by the instructor’s ability to twist her body into different poses and I felt my mine working to keep up. By the end, I was dripping sweat and I felt as if every limb in my body had been lengthened and exercised. To close the practice we were told to lie on our backs as the teacher’s soothing voice lulled us into a state of relaxation, and I fell into a deep, tranquil slumber. After that first taste of yoga, I was for thirsty more. I continued to attend yoga classes and soon I fell in love with the practice.

For me, yoga became a great way to escape. When I am on my yoga mat, nothing else in the world matters. I learned to control my stress through breathing exercises and each morning I wake up to do a simple routine that stretches and awakens the body and mind. It is amazing how this practice can quiet my thoughts, make me feel so in control, and relax.

Some say that yoga isn’t a workout, or that it is a practice of Buddhism, or yoga only helps with flexibility. I say that by practicing yoga, I have exercised muscles I didn’t even know existed, I have learned to respect and love those around me, and yoga has given me far more than flexibility-it has given me a sense of peace.

Morgan Weemhoff is a sophomore at Miami University. She is the Event Coordinator for the Miami (OH) Chapter of Her Campus.