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What Your First Year of College Will Teach You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami (OH) chapter.

As my freshman year at Miami comes to an end, I’ve decided to reflect on all of the things I’ve learned throughout the year. They say your first year of college changes you, and I now know how true that is.

1.       You will fail, and that’s okay

In high school, I didn’t face much rejection. I always had good grades and if I decided to go after something I usually got it (I know, I was very lucky). That did not happen in college. I faced more rejection this year than I have ever before, and at first it was very hard to get over. I also failed a test for the first time (yikes). But all of that rejection showed me that even when things seem hopeless life goes on and you will move on. As it turns out that rejection only made me stronger and pushed me to better myself as much as possible.


2.       BUT, You’ll Also Succeed!

Despite the inevitable rejections, there will be many successes to go along with them! You will find what you’re passionate about, and you should pursue those things. You’ll get an A on that exam you were so stressed about, you’ll get that job or internship you wanted, and more. It may seem scary to push yourself out of your comfort zone, but the more things you try the better your chances for a success. And the more opportunities you open yourself up to!

3.       Not Everyone is Meant to be a Forever Friend

You’re going to meet so many new people the first few weeks of school it will be completely overwhelming. Often these initial friends won’t be the same ones you have at the end of the year, but some of them will! One of the first girls I met is still my closest friend at Miami today. If you find yourself hurt over distancing from some of these first friends, don’t take it too personally. But, make every effort to make new friends and don’t be intimidated – everyone is just as nervous as you are.

4.       Being On Your Own for the First Time is Challenging

I can’t even count how many times I called my parents this semester to ask them questions on how to do things (remove pink stains from my white sweatshirt, for example). Not to mention, you’re now sharing your only personal space with another person, which can definitely be a struggle. Going away to college also means gaining a lot of responsibility for yourself that you never had before. But you adapt quicker than you’d think, and by the end of the year you’ll realize how great living on your own is.

5.       College is Not High School

This seems like an obvious one, but it still holds true. Classes are harder, schedules are different and fluctuating, and cliques aren’t a thing. You will actually have to study for exams, most likely earlier than the night before, you don’t know everyone in your classes, and some of your friends from class will never even meet your friends from your club. Despite these somewhat scary revelations, college is an amazing experience that you will gain SO much from. Try new things, meet new people, and always be yourself and you too will find yourself looking back on your first year amazed at how quickly it went by.