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Crawl to the Top: James Crawley

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.

Name: James Michael Crawley

Major: Management

Organizations Involved: Delta Sigma Pi, League of Legends, Mercer University Consulting Club

How do you think we can make gender more equal? It is a tough issue. I feel the best way to help would be to just bring back a sense of honor. With the LGBT community helping express the concern that gender isn’t a binary issue you can’t use a binary solution to fix it. If we remind ourselves and others to act with honor, then it won’t matter what gender someone claims. We wouldn’t look at gender, but treat all people with the same respect then you’ll have a more equal world.

Role Model: Elon Musk

Life Motto: “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”

How do you think you can make an impact on the world? I hope to be able to offer pro-bono small business management consultations so that when students come up with such great ideas like the Prosthetics Club and Georgia Pallet they can get professional help to make their mark on the world faster. Such companies like Tesla, Pinterest, Square, and Instagram are all startups that are changing the world and I want to be able to help these companies achieve their best.

Favorite thing about MU: The people. I come from a big family and we’ve always been there. My first year I didn’t really understand how close the people here could be. My DSP family, has been some of the best encouragers and have helped me through some rough times. I can almost always expect the friends I’ve made here to help even if it is a kind word on a rough day.

Future Plans: I want be a consultant so I can live wherever I want and never have to worry about money. It also means I can help wherever I go.

Woot! I'm an indian chick who is kind of different. I am friendly and social