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Building Tomorrow’s Future: Melina Ann

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.

Age: 20
Year: Sophomore
Favorite food: Lasagna
Interesting fact about you: I was “left-footed” in gymnastics because I was supposed to be left-handed.
Involvement at Mercer: SGA Senator, Class President, and Building Tomorrow President.
Why did you choose to come to Mercer? The Tift College of Education’s Holistic Child program philosophy aligns almost exactly with how I think children should be taught. Also, when my mom and I drove up on my first visit, I felt like I belonged at Mercer. She looked at me and said, “Okay, okay. I know. This is your school.” She hadn’t wanted me to go out of state at all.
Which professor inspires you the most? Dr. Doug Thompson inspired me the most as my FYS-X professor last year. He made me realize that I can do so much more in the field of education. He called me out for settling on something easy.
Hopes/Goals: I want to make a positive, tangible difference wherever I can. I’m on SGA because I want Mercerians to share this sense of pride that I feel being at Mercer, so much so that one day we will be proud to come back and celebrate Mercer achievements in the future. I want people to be proud of Macon, because I believe that’s one of the only ways Macon will turn itself around and finally fulfill its potential. That’s why I signed the I Love Macon petition. For Building Tomorrow, my goal is for every Mercerian to have heard and contributed in some way to alleviating the Global Education Crisis. Building Tomorrow gives young people a way to get involved in the lives of children across the globe through fundraising and raising awareness to build a school in rural areas of Uganda. I desperately hope that Building Tomorrow at Mercer makes students and faculty realize how much we have to appreciate with just having the opportunity to go to school at all.

Woot! I'm an indian chick who is kind of different. I am friendly and social