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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.

Depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses are something about which I have a great deal of passion. It is a subject that many people do not talk about, and that is heavily stigmatized. This can be even truer among college students. Many of them think that when someone has a mental health condition that it is all in the person’s head, or that they are being dramatic, when that is not the case much of the time. I think that more college students should be aware of what exactly some of these disorders are, what some of the symptoms and signs are, how to deal with it if you or someone you know suffer from a mental disorder, and where you can seek help. It is way more common than you may think to suffer from a mental illness.

Anxiety disorders (general anxiety, social anxiety, separation anxiety, panic disorders, etc.) are the most common form of mental illness in the US. Anxiety affects 18% of people 18 and older in America; that’s about 40 million people. 13% of college students have been diagnosed with a mental health condition, like anxiety or depression. That is a significant amount of students. It is so common among college students for man different reasons including: stress, being away from home, added responsibility, financial strife, and so much more. However, suffering from everyday anxiety and having an anxiety disorder are two very different things. Everyday anxiety is worrying about a test, stressing about an interview, worry about paying bills, and other common concerns.  However, an anxiety disorder takes these normal worries and enhances them, as well as adding things that most people do not worry about. Sometimes to the point of it being debilitating. It is possible to overcome anxiety in many ways, some are things you can do yourself, like doing things that help you relax. And other times it requires medication or therapy, which is absolutely fine. There is such a stigma with both of those things, but there shouldn’t.

Depression is another common mental illness that plagues college students. Close to 10% of American college students will suffer from major depression. Like anxiety, there are many ways to deal with depression. The first step is to figure out that you have depression. It is not always easy as that sounds. It generally takes a long time to admit it, or someone else to help you figure it out. Depression is a very real thing and it takes a lot to overcome it.

Here at Mercer, we have CAPS, a wonderful counselling center especially for helping students with their problems. They keep everything confidential, and there is no reason to be embarrassed about talking to someone about your problems is nothing to be ashamed about. I suffer from anxiety and depression, and while dealing with the day to day can be a struggle, I do it. If you feel like you’re the only one trying to deal with issues, I can guarantee you are not alone. Many people deal with this, and while it may seem impossible, it isn’t.


Living with Anxiety

Facts and Statistics

Desirrae is a small-town girl with dreams of making it in the big city... Well not really. She is a freshman who decided she needed to write more than she needed almost anything else. She is a journalism major who fantasizes about being as important as Barbara Walters someday. When she isn't writing, Desirrae can be found reading, watching Netflix, spending time with her friends at school, or talking to her families from home... Or sleeping. Probably sleeping.