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5 ways to create healthy habits

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MCLA chapter.

When I say healthy, I’m sure you think of leafy greens that taste like dirt (no offense if you like the taste of kale). But being healthy doesn’t have to be unpleasant! There are plenty of easy ways to change your habits so you can live a healthier lifestyle. Here are a few.

Drink more water

When given the choice of a sugary soda or water try to choose the water more often. This doesn’t mean don’t ever drink soda, but if you limit your soda intake to two cups a day and replace the rest with water, not only will you be sufficiently hydrated but you may even lose weight due to all the sugar you’d be cutting out of your diet.

Take the stairs

Try to take the stairs as much as possible. If you could climb three flights of stairs or take the elevator, choose the stairs. It will burn calories and give you some easy exercise for the day. If you live on the eighth floor, I understand why you hesitate. Try taking them just once a day to get your calorie burn on. 

Eat in the same place

When you’re at college this can be easy, because you’re eating at the dining hall, but if you eat at home a lot, try to keep all your eating activities in the same place and try to only use that place during meal time. For example, a kitchen table. This will make it so that when you’re not in that spot your brain won’t think of eating because you will be so used to doing it in the same place. This can also help you cut down on mindless eating, which lends easily to overeating.

Hide your treats

Here is another trick to help you cut down on calories. Hide your treats in a place you can find them, but that isn’t in plain sight. If you leave your favorite food out you are more likely to munch than if you put it in a cabinet. This is because the cabinet will require extra effort to open and unless you really want it, your lack of motivation will most likely win and save you from overeating.

Keep a varied diet

I’m not saying don’t eat snacks, but keep them to a limit. 80 percent of your diet should be food that is healthy for you, while the remaining 20 percent is whatever your heart desires. Also, make sure you eat lots of different things; this will insure you get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs.   These changes aren’t going to drastically change your lifestyle, but they will lead you on a healthier route by giving you a bit more exercise, helping you prevent overeating and making sure you get everything you need from your diet. This could be your first baby step toward a healthier way of life, or a goal to work toward in the future.


I am commonly found reading in a hammock with at least three blankets, I'm a scorpio, I help run a Shakespeare club and I hope to fill my future with some awesome adventures.
Mitchell Chapman is a young journalist looking to make a name for himself. He's been published in The Berkshire Eagle, Bennington Banner, Brattleboro Reformer and the Huffington Post and was the editor of his school's newspaper, The Beacon, after serving first as A & E Editor and then Managing Editor. He is a big science fiction fan, and is known for his quips on the blockbuster movie industry. He is a proud brother of the Sigma Chi Beta fraternity.