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What the Health? A Beginners Guide to Moon Salutation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

It’s the beginning of November, a month characterized by shorter days, longer nights, never-ending midterms and finals approaching. Last post, I outlined steps of sun salutation to harvest warming energy. To keep yourself calm this month, consider cultivating tha­-moon energy, with a beginners Chandra Namaskaram, moon salutation, remembering that one of the principles of yoga is equilibrium and balance.


Position One

Begin by establishing your tadasana (mountain pose).  Extend your arms up and over your head. You may choose to keep your palms apart or press them together.

Position Two

Bring your awareness to your left side, beginning to extend it. Maintaining this extension, hinge to your right. Hold this position for several breaths. Return to center, and repeat on the opposite side, this time finding extension on your right sight and hinging to your left side.

Position Three

Spread your legs on your mat to the level of your comfort, and draw your feet slightly outwards. Think of this as a preparatory position for what is conventionally practiced as a sumo squat. Once in this position, raise your arms, and bend the elbows to a 90-degree angle. Palms are facing towards your ears. Begin to lower into a squat, mindful that your knees are aligned with your ankle, and your knees are not hanging over your big toes.

Position Four

Straighten your legs and outstretch your arms (bringing them parallel to the floor). Turn your left foot slightly inwards, begin to hinge downwards to the right side of your mat, lowering your right arm down towards the mat (if you cannot reach the mat place a block next to your foot and place your hand on it). Rotate your chest to the ceiling. Raise your left arm up towards the sky. Bring your gaze to your raised arm. This takes you to Trikonasana, triangle pose.

Position Five

Shift your gaze downwards, towards your big toe and lower your left arm, bring your fingertips alongside your right foot. Rotate your back foot further inwards, and turn both hips forward. Fold forward, bringing your head to your knee. This is a position of release, allow your spine to surrender.

Position Six

Step your left foot further back, lowering the knee to the mat. Bend your right knee, and place your palms alongside your toes, bringing you to a lunging position. Bring your awareness to your right knee and ensure it is aligned with your ankle.

Position Seven

Bring both palms to the side of your right big toe. Turn your right foot inwards (in a counter-clockwise manner), and rotate your body to the front of your mat. Turn your back foot outwards. Your right knee should be bent, and your left leg extended. If balance and comfort permits, bring your palms together in prayer position.

Position Eight

Press your feet into your toes and return to a Goddess Pose, in a wide-legged squat, with your elbows bending at a 90-degree angle.

Position Nine

Lower downwards, keeping your left knee bent, and extending your right leg. Bring your palms together in prayer position if comfortable.

Position Ten

Turn the right foot inwards, and straighten your left foot towards the top of the mat. Straighten the left leg, and level the hips. Fold forward, bringing the head to the left knee. Take a few moments to breathe.

Position Eleven

Turn the right foot slightly outwards to readjust hips, and lower left foot to the mat, while extending the right arm up towards the sky, rotating your chest open towards the ceiling. Bringing you to Trikonasana, triangle pose.

Position Twelve

Return to Goddess Pose, pointing toes slightly outward, widening the stance, and lowering into a wide-legged squat with the elbows bending. Step the feet back into together, establish tadasana, and extend your arms up over your head.

Take a few moments to examine your breath, notice the cooling energy you have fostered with this sequence. Repeat the sequence, now hinging to your right side in position two.


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