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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

In case you haven’t been told today: You are beautiful and perfect just the way you are.

We often hear how important it is to love ourselves, and yet so many people struggle with accepting themselves the way they are. It is so hard not to compare ourselves to society’s idea of what is attractive, or to try to be someone else. Some may even fear that by loving themselves, they may come off as arrogant or vain. But self love isn’t at all about thinking you’re above everyone: it’s about accepting yourself the way you are and knowing your self-worth.

One of the most important steps in learning to love yourself is to stop comparing yourself to other people. Many of us do it, but it’s probably one of the worst things that you can do to yourself. There are so many beautiful and successful people out there that sometimes we might feel inferior to them. But you need to remind yourself that it is not the case. Every person has their own strengths and weaknesses and someone else’s success should never intimidate you. It’s important to realize that you too have many things that you are good at. It’s the same when it comes to physical appearance. Society puts so importance on what is considered attractive and it’s hard not to feel bad about ourselves if we think we don’t match up to these standards. But the truth is that every person is beautiful and unique and should learn to embrace what they have. In my opinion, every hair color, eye color and every race is beautiful and there isn’t one that is more attractive than another. 


Another thing that helps a lot is to be surrounded by positive people who bring out the best in you. You should never be around someone who constantly brings you down or makes you feel uncomfortable. The truth is that not everyone in life wants the best for you, and it is important to distance yourself from those people. When you surround yourself with people who accept you as you are and who are always there to support you, it will boost your confidence and give you a sense of well being.

Lastly: be yourself. When you learn to just be yourself, you will become so much happier. Wear clothes that make you feel good, do your makeup how you like it, listen to whatever music you like, do things that make you happy. You should never worry what other people think of you. When I was younger, I would buy so many clothes and shoes just because “everyone else had them”. It didn’t matter if I liked something or not: I would wear it just because it was in style. And it always made me feel so bad about myself because I was not comfortable wearing certain things: I was only wearing them to be like everyone else. When I learned to stop following trends and to wear what I like, I felt so much better. I love wearing dresses, skirts, and heels because it’s what I feel good in. 

You also need to stay true to yourself and never try to do things you are not comfortable doing just because everybody else is doing them. I learned to accept that not everyone values the same things at me or likes what I like and that is perfectly okay. There is nothing wrong in having your own beliefs and not following the crowd.

When you learn to accept yourself and love yourself, your life will change in so many ways. It may not be easy for everyone, but know that it is possible. Whenever you feel down about yourself, always remember that you have amazing qualities that make you unique. No one is perfect, but you need to learn to just accept your flaws and focus on your strenghts because you are beautiful the way you are.



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