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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.


Meet this week’s campus cutie, who took the time to answer my question during our busy week of finals.

Name: Alex Martalogu

Year of study: U2

Favourite course ever taken at McGill: HIST 319


Alexandra Faure for Her Campus McGill (HC McGill): How do you feel about being a campus cutie?

Alex Martalogu (AM): I woud like to thank… no, really I was bribed.

HC McGill: What extracurricular activities do you do at McGill?

AM: Soccer, football and, well, just any sport, you name it.

 HC McGill: What is your relationship status?

AM: Single

HC McGill: What are three things you look for in a girl?

AM: An intriguing personality, someone with whom you can have long conversations with and who isn’t afraid of trying to new things.

HC McGill: What is your current band of choice?

AM: Anything with meaningful lyrics/message.

HC McGill: Do you have a favourite Montreal restaurant meal?

AM: I love chicken in every shape or form, so my answer is wooden grilled pizza.

HC McGill: What is your most memorable experience this year?

AM: This year, it’s not even close: having to wear a toga in the middle of campus while yelling out a funeral speech for a Roman emperor. Right?!

HC McGill: Tell me about your dream vacation.

AM: No question about it: trip around Europe; as many countries as possible

HC McGill: Ideal job?

AM: Leading researcher (and discover Atlantis).

HC McGill: If you had to pick one, what ’90s trend do you miss the most?

AM: Just the music man, the music.

HC McGill: Most baffling female fashion trend?

AM: Please don’t kill me: nose rings.


Lightning Round (text in bold is HC McGill, regular text is AM)

Relationship or bromance: Relationship

Bixi or Metro: Train

Coffee or tea: Coffee

Late nights or early mornings: Late nights

Dog or cat: Dog

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