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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marywood chapter.

As always, the latest Grey’s Anatomy episode started as any normal one would: narration. Only this time, it was not Meredith doing the narrating the episode. It was April Kepner.


The episode was entitled “Personal Jesus” and by the end, Kepner was questioning the existence of God, who has been an influence in her life throughout the series. This episode was a difficult one to watch, with references to police brutality and domestic violence and it seemed that no matter where April Kepner turned, tragedy found her.

Throughout the second half of season 14, we are going to see a change in Kepner. What that change will be? I am not sure yet but there were several moments that foreshadowed Kepner’s new outlook on life (including that shower scene with the intern who no one knows).

One theory I have is that April Kepner is going to start taking risks, and I do not mean surgical risks. I think she is going to start showing her sexual side but I do not think she is going to find enjoyment in it at all. She will definitely try to reconnect with Matthew at some poing this season as well.


ALSO, things are definitely heating up between Jackson and Maggie. This was clear in episodes 9 and 10 of this season. April is going to take this hard, but can we blame her?

I am rooting for you Kepner, mostly because I cannot handle another cast member disappearing forever.