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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marywood chapter.

5. Snickerdoodles

The perfect balance between sugar and cinnamon wrapped up in a sugar cookie.

Image: http://img.sndimg.com/food/image/upload/w_896,h_504,c_fill,fl_progressive,q_80/v1/img/recipes/97/49/6/N4RvBXiYSwuoHfj9wkJw_snickerdoodles-3.jpg


4. Kiffles

A classic filled cookie that you can fill with your dreams.

Image: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/20/a1/88/20a188c21f139190ac3c6eabf0dddeb6–xmas-cookies-a-holiday.jpg


3. Peanut Butter Blossom

Chocolate and peanut butter are #relationship goals.

Image: https://static01.nyt.com/images/2015/11/24/dining/24COOKING-PEANUTBUTTERBLOSSOMS2/24COOKING-PEANUTBUTTERBLOSSOMS2-superJumbo.jpg


2. Christmas Cut Outs

Nothing feels better than eating the head off the gingerbread man. 

Image: http://images.media-allrecipes.com/userphotos/250×250/56142.jpg


1. Chocolate Chip Cookies

  These cookies are a classic and can be eaten year round.

Image: https://images-gmi-pmc.edge-generalmills.com/eb52c020-c145-440c-8445-911f133c0096.jpg


Brooke Ackerman is an Elementary Education, Early Childhood Education, and Special Education major at Marywood University in Scranton, PA. Brooke serves as Marywood's Her Campus Senior Editor. Her hobbies include making awful jokes, cooking, and starting Netflix shows at 1am.