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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

To say that President Trump has personally skyrocketed the amount of controversy that goes on within our country would be an understatement. From an alleged Russian interference during the presidential election, to the famous line from the Access Hollywood tape … (which we need not mention)…it’s safe to say that Donald Trump’s term has not JUST been a bumpy road. It’s been a bumpy road full of potholes, speed bumps and black ice.

Needless to say, some controversies gain more attention than others. We all know that Trump referred to Haiti and certain African nations as “s&!@hole nations”…but do most of us really know the details surrounding Executive Order 13769? Often referred to as the Muslim Ban, or the travel ban? While this was indeed a widely-covered topic among the American media, most of us likely still know more details about the former issue as opposed to the latter.

Shock value is a very real thing; it’s just not something you necessarily want to see in your presidential office…kind of makes you feel like you’re not living in the land that leads the free world, but rather in one giant reality TV show.

Which brings me to my next point: Why are we SO fixated on the recent scandal about President Trump and Stormy Daniels? Perhaps if you’d made the decision to stop watching the news, or maybe you just live under a rock…here’s the 411.

This January, The Wall Street Journal reported that Trump’s lawyer had paid porn star Stormy Daniels $130,000 to deny an alleged affair she had with the president in 2006. Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, denies the affair on behalf of the president, but admits to paying Daniels $130,000.

Following the scandal, Daniels did an interview with Anderson Cooper on CBS’s 60 Minutes. The episode attracted 22 million views, the show’s highest viewed episode in 10 years. So why is the American public more interested in this topic than the possible indefinite suspension of entry into the United States among Syrian refugees?

Perhaps it’s the fact that our president cheated on his wife…had sex with a porn star…paid her over 100 grand to keep quiet about it? Likely, it’s a combination of all of this. Needless to say, this issue is an attention grabber. But is it really what we want to be focused on regarding the head of our government?

As always, food for thought.

Daisy Klaess

Maryland '19

Maryam Pitt

Maryland '18
