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Rice Cake Pizza: Unexpected Healthy Winter Snacks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

As the weather gets colder and the days get shorter, many college students find themselves becoming less motivated to do anything. Finals are coming up, and it’s time for that final sprint to the finish line. How are you going to keep yourself healthy, alert, and on top of your game? No, the answer does not lie in that box of pizza, carton of Chinese food, or a Jimmy Johns sandwich wrapper. In order to keep your body and brain feeling good for the end of the semester, you’ll need some healthy foods to keep you in check. Here are a few healthier options you can make in the college dorm or apartment, and don’t worry, they’re quick, easy and taste delicious!

 1. Tuna on pita: Pita bread is a healthier bread and canned tuna is very simple to manage. However, most people mix mayonnaise in with tuna, which isn’t exactly a healthy choice. Mayo has lots of oil and egg yolks, so it’s a much better choice to substitute spicy mustard or honey mustard instead. If you prefer mayo, make sure to use light mayo instead to cut back on the calories. You can also make a hummus and pita sandwich and add some lettuce, red peppers, or cucumbers for an extra crunch.

2. Rice cake pizza: This might sound weird, but it’s actually wonderful. To make this you will need plain/lightly salted rice cakes, any types of cheese you want, and tomato sauce. You can add veggies, pepperoni, or any other toppings of course. You will also need an oven to cook your pizza. By using rice cakes, you are eliminating all of that heavy bread and you won’t feel as guilty for eating as much as you want.

3. Veggie Ramen: Every college student has it — a box of Ramen Noodles stashed somewhere in their room. We all know it’s pretty terrible for you. One packet of Ramen is equal to two servings and there is a massive amount of sodium in the flavor packet. So next time you are looking to eat the college favorite, try adding just half of the flavor packet and mix in some veggies. Corn, peas, or carrots are some good choices. You will be eliminating a good amount of sodium and will add more substance to the meal, which will also make you feel more full.

4. Yogurt & granola: This snack is the simplest of all and can be used as a quick breakfast or a snack at any time of the day. Grab any yogurt of your choice (I personally like vanilla or strawberry-banana Chobani), mix in some granola, and you are golden. Yogurt can often get boring with it’s soupy texture, but adding in some granola can give it some crunch and fill you up more. If you’re feeling like being extra healthy, throw in some fresh fruit. If you’re craving some chocolate, a few dark chocolate chips couldn’t hurt!