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How Maryland Weather Affects You Based on Your Hometown, as Told by GIFs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

Maryland weather is crazy: one day it feels like summer and the next its practically snowing! Walking around campus, you see all different kinds of outfits no matter what the weather is. People just can’t seem to get it right; the weather can change drastically between 10 am and noon! Here are some things people feel about Maryland weather based on where they grew up:

Chicago: This is how Chicagoans feel when there are snow days. It’s not even snowing, and Loh still cancels school. They aren’t complaining though!

California: They will be wearing a sweatshirt, scarf and gloves if it drops below 50 degrees. They will have taken out their winter clothes—which they bought especially for college—before Halloween!

New Jersey: Although their weather is almost identical to Maryland’s, they still complain about it all the time!  

Florida: They are happy to leave the humidity, but can’t seem to get used to the cold. You will find them hibernating in their beds for most of the weather. On the plus side, they don’t need to worry about constant rain!

North Carolina: They are fascinated by snow. Fascinated. All they want to do is play in it, even if it’s during a storm.

No matter where we are from, we can all agree that Maryland weather is completely unpredictable. But it has its perks, like the unnecessary snow days and the change of seasons! Keep your heads up terps, because no matter what the weather is, we still go to the best school on earth!