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Fall Fever: Three Simple Ways to Beat the Cold that Everyone Seems to Be Catching

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

Switching seasons is always hard for a variety of reasons. No more wearing flip-flops to class, catching rays by the pool with your friends, or sporting cut-off shirts to early morning tailgates. Instead, with the change from summer to fall, we trade all this for our knee-high boots, pale-skinned bodies, and black American Apparel leggings, (with the matching red zip-up, of course). Although these things DO suck, there are some other things we could spend more time worrying about; more important things, like getting sick.

The changing of seasons always prompts colds to take over many people in our college community. What a lot of us don’t realize is how easily these germs are transmitted. It’s as easy as taking a sip of someone’s drink at a party, not washing your hands after using the bathroom, touching door knobs, or even just by being near someone who is sick.

The good news is, however, that there are easy ways to prevent the common cold from getting to you. Follow these three quick tips and you will be right on track for a healthy semester.

Tip #1:  Sanitize, sanitize, sanitize! I know, you are late to your next class and figure washing your hands is the least of your worries. Trust me, it will be worth missing the first few minutes in exchange for missing multiple classes when you are stuck in bed and can’t make it out of the house. Even carrying around a mini hand sanitizer could do the trick.

Tip #2: Don’t run yourself down. These first few weeks of school are light with homework, and obviously would make anyone want to go out all the time. My advice: resist the urge! Just because you don’t have a lot of work doesn’t mean you HAVE to go out. Get some girl time in with your pals; head to Starbucks, grab a pumpkin spice latte (Yes, it’s back!), and give your body the rest that it deserves.

Tip #3: Ever hear the saying, “You are what you eat?” Well, it could not be any more true. When you are constantly feeding your body with foods that are bad for you, you are more likely to be run-down then when you are feeding yourself right. When you’re body is run down, your immune system weakens. These will lessen your chances of fighting off viruses!

Try to get a little bit of everything each day: protein, carbohydrates, and fiber are among the most important. Take a daily multi-vitamin. They supplement your need for vitamins for the day! Do whatever you can to keep your physical health in check.

Take my advice. Spend the extra time to make sure you sanitize the right way, make time to give your body down time, and keep eating the foods that will make you feel most energized and healthy. Do this, and you will most definitely kick fall fever goodbye!