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9 Times You Know That You Are The Duff

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.
  1. When all your other girlfriends look like glistening Greek gods after two hours on an elliptical, meanwhile your idea of working out is going .5 miles an hour on the treadmill while simultaneously eating a Snickers bar.

  2. When your friends in line for Panda Express all “just so happen” to get more orange chicken than you do.

  1. When your face is the reason it takes twenty minutes to take a group picture that everyone can agree on posting to social media.  

  1. When guys say you are too innocent to be considered and/or consider anyone else a creature of sexual desire and think of you as some asexual fungi that can procreate all by themselves.

  1. When BuzzFeed’s “Which Mean Girl Character Are You?” quiz deems you a Gretchen Weiners (although, for the record, she is neither fat nor ugly).

  1. When you put some serious effort into your appearance for Girls’ Night, only to be asked to purse-sit while your friend grinds on some random dude who still thinks fist bumping counts as actual dancing.

  1. When you try to borrow your friend’s clothes and realize that all that teensy weensy crap is fit for some delicate princess with zero arm fat; not the Yeti you were apparently born to be.

  1. When unfathomably pretty people complain about how much prettier everyone else is, meanwhile you popped three zits this morning and make it a point to avoid mirrors at all times.

  1. When crop tops don’t look good on you and you have never been able to do a proper hair flip, but you are still “the cool friend,” and guys actually WANT to keep talking to you.