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10 signs you’re addicted to coffee

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

1.You have your order memorized


2. You overreact to places not having your favorite syrup at the drive through.

I mean come on…what kind of place runs out of mocha syrup?!?!


3. Caffeine overdose has never even crossed your mind


4. Your friends say you’re an addict


But you are so not an addict! 


5. If you don’t have your daily dose of caffeine you’re like…


Or this


And definitely this


6. You’re overly impatient with people take that their time when ordering…


7.You’re overly impatient when you order’s wrong


8. You can most certainly be bribed with coffee.


9. You’ve become a regular at your coffee shop


10. Bottom line you know when you’re addicted to coffee when all you can think about is…