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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marshall chapter.

Dorm life can be pretty rough at times. When you have roommate conflicts, lock your self out of your room, or just need a friend, it’s good to know that there is an all-star staff of Resident Advisors ready to help! Ben Heil, a junior in the nursing program here at Marshall, is a pretty chill RA on the second floor of Freshman South.  With his mustache matching-game bulletin board, and corresponding mustache nametags, Ben has fun as an RA. I talked to Ben to find out more about the RA experience.

HC: How do you like being a Resident Advisor?

BH: I love being an RA because I enjoy talking and meeting new people. I have also had great RAs in the past so I wanted to give that back to incoming students.

HC: What is the process like to become an RA?

BH: Basically, the process to become an RA is you have to get 3 references: one from your RA, a 2.4 GPA, and then you fill out the application. If you fulfill all that then you get an interview. At the interview there’s a small group, one on one, and then a large group interview. After all that you get a call if you got the job. It’s a little bit stressful.

HC: What are some of your favorite things about the job?

BH: Having a single room is really nice. Also the free room and board is really good incentive.

HC: Do you have any advice for students who are interested in becoming an RA?

BH: Yeah, try to get involved as much as possible and meet as many as possible. It really helps to be apart of hall council and/or SGA.

HC: What are some activities you do for fun?

BH: For fun I like to read but during school I don’t read for fun as much as I would like. I play video games, hang out with friends, play ultimate frisbee and fantasy football.

You should get to know your RAs, or at least Ben. If you ever find yourself sitting around with nothing to do, go and join him in a game of ultimate Frisbee!

Will Kuria is a graphic design major at Marshall University. He likes weird electronic music, bad haircuts, and doesn't really do anything with his life.