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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marquette chapter.

Take a Moment

Mental health is crucial, especially in college years. With being away from home, countless hours of homework, getting enough sleep, making friends, having a social life, and balancing all your responsibilities, it can get extremely overwhelming. It is vital to take care of yourself and make your mental health a priority. That statistics class, that 8 page essay, or that party does not matter as much as your well being does. Sometimes the best thing to do is to take time away from all the constant pressure, away from the people, away from feeling like you are suffocating. Some people get so wrapped up in their school work and social life and just going through the everyday motion, not truly there, that they forget to do the things that make them happy.

I made a list, originally for myself, but it may provide inspiration to others. We are all unique and different people; therefore, self-care is something you can only define for yourself. Some tips that I find helpful to keep in mind include: Get more sleep, explore more, relax more, have more patience, smile more, love more, don’t worry about what you can’t control, breathe, live in the present, go on adventures, read more, give things a chance, drink iced coffee, write what you have trouble voicing, and forgive yourself.

Make your happiness and your mental health a priority. College is the time to discover your passions, likes, dislikes, struggles, weaknesses, strengths, and overall, what shapes you into the person you really are. Don’t lose sight of how much your mental health matters. Do what makes you happy; you are the only one who knows what that is.

Emma McDevitt

Marquette '20

Hello, I am Emma McDevitt! I am a Junior at Marquette University and studying Marketing & Advertising. 
Aisling Hegarty

Marquette '18

Don't waste a minute not being happy